Climbing the corporate ladder yields greater emotional benefits for men than women, study shows

Fortune — 16 May 2022

Getting a promotion is usually associated with strong positive feelings such as pride, excitement and happiness. But a new survey co-authored by Prof. Dr. Jochen Menges show that women experience less emotional benefits from receiving a promotion compared to men. The research team asked about 15,000 survey participants to rate how often they feel certain emotions at work, ranging from confidence and contentment to boredom and disgust, and their place in the corporate hierarchy, among other questions. Results show not only that gender does make a difference for how employees feel– in the sense that women feel more stressed and less respected at work – but also that men’s positive emotions increase more strongly than women’s when they are moving up the rank.

Article by Emma Hinchliffe


World Economic Forum 2022


Inaugural Lecture by Prof. Dr. Lauren Howe