Research: How family motivates people to do their best work

Published in: Harvard Business Review — 03 July 2024

Written by

Lauren C. Howe and Jochen I. Menges


What we found: Family can significantly motivate employees at work, challenging the traditional view that family only competes with work for time and energy. A growing body of research shows that employees who are motivated by family tend to perform better and are more engaged in their jobs.

Why it matters: These findings highlight the importance of recognizing family as a positive motivational factor in the workplace. By understanding and leveraging this, organizations can boost employee productivity and job satisfaction, leading to better overall performance.

What next: Organizations and leaders should create a supportive culture that embraces the role of family in employees' lives. This can be achieved through policies like flexible work hours, parental leave, and on-site childcare, as well as encouraging employees to bring personal items related to their family into the workplace to boost motivation and reduce unethical behavior.


Parents want to be admired by their children – and therefore make an effort at work


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