Simulating virtual organizations for research: A comparative empirical evaluation of text-based, video, and virtual reality video vignettes

Published in: Organizational Research Methods — 17 April 2024

Written by

Anand P. A. van Zelderen, Theodore C. Masters-Waage, Nicky Dries, Jochen I. Menges, and Diana R. Sanchez


What we found: We discovered that participants preferred immersive virtual reality (VR) video vignettes over traditional text or video formats when experiencing a sensitive organizational phenomenon. VR increased participants' attention to study details and augmented the effect sizes of measured employee reactions, especially those with high emotional content.

Why it matters: These results highlight the potential of VR technology in organizational research to create more ecologically valid vignette studies that better capture employee affect. Utilizing VR can enhance participant engagement and provide deeper insights into employee reactions, ultimately improving the quality and relevance of organizational research.

What next: Organizations and leaders can leverage VR technology to design more immersive and impactful training programs, simulations, and assessments. By incorporating VR into research methodologies, they can better understand employee experiences and emotions, leading to more effective strategies for managing organizational phenomena and promoting employee well-being.


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