Inaugural Lecture on Leadership in the Future of Work - Book your seat now!

How is leadership changing? How can people practices be re-imagined to make the world of work better for the future?

To answer these questions, we are launching a flagship Lecture Series on Leadership in the Future of Work, in partnership with the UZH Europa Institute. The purpose to inspire current and future leaders to push forward people innovation by applying novel insights to identify, test, and scale up solutions to ensure that people remain at the heart of the future of work. We thus invite senior leaders from across the world to take the stage at the University of Zurich and share their understanding of leadership in the future of work.

We are delighted to welcome Jean-Christophe Deslarzes, Chair of the Board, The Adecco Group, on March 1st, 2023, to deliver the Inaugural Lecture, on the theme: "What leadership to take up the future of work?"

All lectures are followed by a Q&A session, providing participants with a unique opportunity to gain further precious insights into the future of leadership.


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