Embracing family motivation at work

Attuned — 7 February 2022

In a study, Jochen Menges found that family motivation enhances job performance when intrinsic motivation is low — in part by providing energy, but not by reducing stress. This means that “you can do well in a job that is otherwise monotonous and boring, if you see the job as a conduit to something greater,” says Menges. And it’s not just about being a breadwinner: “a lot of [the workers] wanted to be a role model for their kids. They took pride in having a proper job and an honorable life”—like work is an extension of their caregiving.

This also means that bosses could help motivate staff by letting them bring their family life into the workplace, he adds: letting employees display pictures of their kids; inviting family into work occasionally; or acknowledging family members when an employee is rewarded for her performance.


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