Women are less likely to get promoted than men because they feel more stressed, frustrated and discouraged at work, study claims

Daily Mail — 20 April 2022

Women are less likely to get promoted than men because they feel more stressed, frustrated and discouraged at work. This is because positive emotions are important for leadership, meaning women are at a disadvantage akin to running with 'leaded shoes', according to the sweeping new study on gender differences in emotion at work.

'It would be hard for anyone to break through a glass ceiling when they feel overwhelmed, stressed, less respected and less confident,' said co-author Jochen Menges, who teaches at both the University of Zurich and Cambridge Judge Business School. 'This emotional burden may not only hamper promotion opportunities for women, but also prevent them from contributing to an organisation to the best of their ability.' He added: 'More needs to be done to level the playing field when it comes to emotional burdens at work.'  


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